以下 德国DICTATOR闭门器,门驱动锁详细信息 是由 发布:上海武田机电有限公司的注册者发布者提供 一、概述: 上海武田机电有限公司**销售德国Dictator Technik成立于1932年,产品有**用门驱动装置,DICTATOR闭门器,门驱动锁,DICTATOR气动弹簧,油压缓冲器,**升降机及**门驱等产品系列 ,产品型号齐**,价格优廉,欢迎咨询订购! 二、详细说明:
上海武田机电有限公司产品详细说明:德国Dictator Technik成立于1932年,产品有**用门驱动装置,DICTATOR闭门器,门驱动锁,DICTATOR气动弹簧,油压缓冲器,**升降机及**门驱等产品系列。
DICTATOR is a worldwide group of **panies, with its origins in Europe. DICTATOR’s head ** is in Ne**ess near **sburg, Germany. DICTATOR's manufacturing facilities are in Europe. It offers customers ‘off the shelf’ and ‘bespoke’ solutions for many different appli**ions, ** quality solutions to meet specific requirements. Highly developed quality assurance systems and globally effective **muni**ions are brought together to achieve the group’s key objective, which is to provide an individualized serv** to each customer. Dictator’s belief is that customers truly benefit from direct **ntact with their local distributor who provides the ‘close’ wo**ng relationship that ensures even the most **plex appli**ions are found solutions quickly and easily. DICTATOR is your **petent partner for lift equipment, door closer solutions, access ****ol systems, door and gate operators, fire door ****ol solutions, damping engineering and gas spring technology. Lift EquipmentDoor Closers and other Door EquipmentDoor locking and Interlock ****ol systemsDoor and Gate DrivesDoor Drives for Fire ProtectionHold-Open Dev**s For Fire-Protection DoorsHydraulic DampersGas Springs