


首页 > 供应产品 > 意大利AXOR无刷伺服驱动器
产品: 浏览次数:218意大利AXOR无刷伺服驱动器 
品牌: AXOR
产地: 1
单价: 电议
最小起订量: 1
发货地: 上海
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-12-20 16:48


AXOR INDUSTRIES? stands as an important reference in the European panorama of innovative servo drive and brushless servo motor manufacturers for high perbbbbance industrial automation, axis control and robotics.


On the market since it was established in 1988, it is entering a new industrial cycle by proposing a range of products that has been complebbby renewed both in technology and in perbbbbance to price ratio.


It is also important to underscore Axor’s continuity:: all product lines, since 1988 to date, can still be supplied and repaired. All processes, from design, project and prototype development, production, sales and aftersales support are in-house.


AXOR, with ISO 9001 certification since 1996, is the only Italian company in the sector that has a Halt-Hass extreme testing facility based on American avionics. This is used during design engineering and development to define real operating and break limits of products.

Axor自1996年获得ISO 9001认证,是该行业唯一一家拥有基于美国航空电子设备的HASS极限测试设施的意大利公司。这在设计工程和开发过程中用于定义产品的实际操作和突破极限。

In addition to obtaining shorter times to market, it also means higher real quality standards before starting production. The focus on PTP (people-to-people) service that, together with years of experience in applications and full collaboration of our staff, constitute the most appreciated added value for our customers in pre and after sales.


Over and above actual product efficiency, supplying complete systems of servo motors, ready-to-use cables for mobile and stationary installation, servo drives and also low-play planetary gearboxes, we support customers in defining the servo system project through mecanical and electrical sizing. The development and implementation of custom software functions in the servo completes the outlook of Axor’s TCS process (Total Customer Service).

除了实际的产品效率外,我们还提供完整的伺服电机系统、可用于移动和固定安装的电缆、伺服驱动器以及低游隙行星齿轮箱,我们支持客户通过机械和电气尺寸确定伺服系统项目。伺服系统中自定义软件功能的开发与实现,完成了Axor TCS过程(全面客户服务)的展望。

Axor’s extensive experience in designing standard and customer-specfic solutions allows us to satisfy OEM needs in all sectors.


