


珠海天兆新能源技术有限公司(以下简称“天兆”),是一家以太阳能光伏逆变器研发、生产和销售为主营业务的高科技企业,位于国家软件产业** &**sh;&**sh;珠海南方软件园。 天兆**于用**知识为客户提供有效、**、持久的光伏系统解决方案,以确保客户的**。 天兆拥有一支由博士、硕士等高科技人才组成的**研发团队。这支队伍在逆变器技术和电力系统集成**带领下,通过自主创新,已开发出一系列符合国际标准的逆变器产品。 天兆以“**、创新、诚信”为经营理念,坚持以人为本,是一个有着人性化管理的学习型企业。天兆高度重视**价值和客户服务,用职业的项目管理体制和**的质量控制体系建立了一个以客户为中心的售前售后支持系统,是您**的合作伙伴。 Megawatt New Energy Technology **., Ltd (MNE) is a high-tech enterprise that specializes in developing, producing and marketing photovoltaic (PV) inverters. MNE is based in Southern Software Park, a ** national industrial park in Zhuhai City, near **. MNE's **re mission is providing efficient, integrated and sustainable PV system solutions that ensure ma**mum return on its customers' investments. MNE retains an in-** R&D team of talented PhDs and engineers with advanced university degrees. Led by experts in inverter & solar pumping technologies, this team has successfully developed a spectrum of PV inverters that **ply with internationally re**gnized standards. Stressing its ce**al values of “professionalism, innovation, integrity”, MNE strives to learn **ntinually as a whole organization. Oriented towards its employees, MNE invests in their training and personal development. MNE treasures the value of its brand and emphasizes serving the customer to increase that value. MNE provides customer-focused pre-sales and after-sales support, and maintains a rigorous quality ****ol system and professional ISO9000 procedures. MNE is a partner that you can trust.
公司名称: 珠海天兆新能源技术有限公司 公司类型: ()
所 在 地: 广东/珠海市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 太阳能水泵逆变器,太阳能水泵系统,光伏并网逆变器,光伏并网系统
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